Missing Child Found Alive

On Wednesday, a young child went missing from school. On the hottest day of the year to date, the child was missing for over 5 hours. K9 Scout, K9 Remy and K9 Pocket were given the child’s homework to take scent and follow the child’s trail.

The missing child was found alive in the woods by K9 Pocket. This was Pocket’s first live find!

Your generosity has enabled K9 Scout, K9 Remy and K9 Pocket to train to the highest standards and enabled KYK9 to have a quick response time, both of which are critical to a successful outcome.

This child is alive and safe because of you! Thank you. And, yeah K9 Pocket!

- Jennifer


Oh, What a Night! Happy Hour for KYK9


Yes Pocket, Reindeer Really Know How to Fly