KYK9 Search Dogs

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A Holiday Message

The winter holiday season is a time to celebrate family. We migrate back to the kitchen hearth to re-affirm our family bonds and re-calibrate ourselves to our truest, inner magnetic north. It is also a bittersweet and lonely time for families with an empty seat at the table and for those who have no table at all. Celebration and sadness come hand in hand, a rhythmic reality of living and loving.

The holidays are uniquely difficult for the families of missing persons. Working with these families, I have witnessed the all-consuming pain and anguish of not-knowing. Not-knowing if they are alive or dead; if they suffered and were dumped in a desolate, unknown location, or if they are alive and might walk through the front door. I find myself unable to articulate this pain, perhaps because the not-knowing never ends and lacks the finality of other losses that are more universally experienced.

Dec 22.
I am on an emotional roller coaster this morning. I am SCREAMING from inside of my soul. It’s almost Christmas and this time last year Brooke was getting excited about all the items she had under the tree and wondering what she got. This year Brooke is not here with us or at her home with her family to celebrate such a wonderful time of the year!!!!!!!!!!! Shame on the one that knows where Brooke is but won’t come forth and let anyone know!!!! You see this beautiful person? This is what we and her family are missing!! I PRAY TO GOD THAT YOU FEEL THE HURT AND PAIN THAT WE ARE ALL FEELING......God will prevail and the truth will come out. Please someone just do the right thing and Bring Brooke Home! Praying for Brooke and her family this Holiday season.

KYK9’s search dogs will work to help bring Brooke home. Please keep Brooke, her family, and families like hers in your prayers this holiday season. I wish you and your loved ones happiness in the New Year.
- Jennifer